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Waldorf Handwork Educators Blog

2 min read
Exciting review for our 1st grade handwork curriculum for homeschoolers and new teachers
We were so thrilled to read this reflection on our first grade handwork curriculum, we could not wait to share it with you! We were so...
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2 min read
Knitting Grannies
Preparing for our next conference, I’ve been thinking a lot about clothing, about how first impressions are made by clothing, how there...
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5 min read
Handwork Teacher Workload & Recommended Best Practices
Waldorf Handwork Educators has been working with the Fiber Craft Studio in New York to establish a Handwork Teachers’ Association to...
541 views3 comments

Shellie Smith
2 min read
Who WHE Are - Waldorf Handwork Educators
The Wonder and Wisdom of Handwork was founded in 2013 for anyone who self-identifies as a teacher of handwork in a Waldorf setting. We...
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Shellie Smith
3 min read
Distance Learning Gifts & Challenges
“Where is the book in which the teacher can read about what teaching is? The children themselves are this book. We should not learn to...
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2 min read
Color and DEI in the Handwork Classroom
How do we welcome and affirm children of different cultural, social, racial, or ethnic backgrounds into our handwork classrooms? This...
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Shellie Smith
1 min read
Prepping Handwork Kits for Sashiko Flute Cases!
Prep, prep, prep those kits! I’m preparing to send home a simple sashiko flute case project for my Second graders. As we have been online...
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2 min read
Cell biology, human development, organizational theory, love, - and HANDWORK?
Yes. I want to share one of my favorite thoughts with you, as we handwork teachers enter new and un-chosen territory: teaching online as...
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1 min read
Can Knitting Cure Covid?
NO. Can it help? Yes. Knitting, or most any other handwork activity which requires rhythmical repetitive movements will promote the...
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Shellie Smith
1 min read
Advent Candle Holders
This year has been filled with many losses. But there is so much beauty and abundance to be found in nature and in our communities....
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2 min read
Reflection Questions For The End Of Each Day
These prompts for reflection have been gathered (and modified) from the input of multiple experienced teachers. Steiner insisted that the...
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2 min read
Why Are There 2 Conferences?
Melanie and I have been offering teacher conferences for nearly a decade, and we are both eager to reach out to parents and homeschoolers...
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1 min read
Is online handwork possible?
YES! 6 months ago, I would have said "NO!", but Melanie and I just spent a week with a most inspiring group of teachers planning,...
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