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Waldorf Handwork Educators Blog
2 min read
Sowing a Seed! Sharing the Fruits!
Collaboration & Innovation in Waldorf Special Subjects: Hands and Voices Across the Curriculum Our first all-subjects conference in July...
Shellie Smith
2 min read
Beginning First Grade Handwork
The first few weeks are the most important time for setting children up for success. Simple one-day handwork projects can gently welcome in
3 min read
Why is this so difficult?
Why is it so difficult to work with and through other teachers’ work? Why do we feel so isolated when we teach,?
Shellie Smith
3 min read
What is the secret to classroom management?
In any classroom, we have a wide variety of skill levels, learning styles, and social and emotional needs. It can feel like a juggling act.
Kim John Payne
4 min read
Disobedient or Disoriented?
No one likes to be disoriented. But children are particularly vulnerable when it comes to feeling lost and unsafe.
Kim John Payne
4 min read
Taking it personally?
Just about every expert expounds on how we must stay calm in the face of bad behavior. Good advice, but how?
Kevin Avison
6 min read
Where Do We Start?
In teaching, you have to start somewhere. The trick is to know what you’re starting from & why.
Shellie Smith
4 min read
Is The Waldorf Curriculum a Checklist?
Should we follow a checklist? Or be guided by developmental needs, local culture and community, and cross curricular connections?
Shellie Smith
4 min read
To Be a Teacher You Need to Be a Learner!
As we work to support the healthy development of our children & young people, we also work on ourselves.
Patty Urda
4 min read
African Mud Cloth
We appreciate the artisans of Mali and their willingness to share techniques with us. May our hands unite in the joy of making.
Kevin Avison
6 min read
Seeing & Saying! The Words we Choose
The question is not what you look at, but what you see. Henry Thoreaux
Kevin Avison
5 min read
An Attentive Teacher?
To teach children, it is essential to see & experience, to attend, to them.
Shellie Smith
7 min read
Educate, Participate, Advocate
Teachers spend most of their time preparing for the classroom; prepping lesson plans, materials, and contemplating the needs of the...
Shellie Smith
3 min read
How Handwork Supports Each Child's Growth and Development
Handwork is an integral part of the Waldorf educational curriculum and philosophy which is based on educating the whole child: head,...
4 min read
Handwork: Foundation for the 12 Senses
Taking handwork to a deeper level by engaging the 12 senses
Shellie Smith
4 min read
What is Our REAL Work as Handwork Teachers?
Is it to ensure that every child is capable of knitting a square? No, it is so much more than that.
Shellie Smith
4 min read
How Does Handwork Support Healthy Sensory Development?
Rudolf Steiner mentioned that handwork is gymnastics in miniature. He also spoke of the hands as the eyes of the rhythmic system. What...
1 min read
A Picture is worth 1,000 words
We are so pleased and delighted to be doing this work, and so grateful to our participants for joining us, and for sharing photos of some...
Shellie Smith
3 min read
Our Oceans, Our Air, Our Clothes
We have all heard about the problem of microplastics in our oceans. Tragic images of whales caught in plastic fishing nets or turtles...
5 min read
Mending - why bother?
We hear a lot about mending these days, it seems to be a moral imperative – “Mend that hole, save the world!” But how many of us really...
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