Melanie and I have been offering teacher conferences for nearly a decade, and we are both eager to reach out to parents and homeschoolers who want to bring Waldorf-inspired handwork to their children at home. Especially in these times, we want to support you through developing your skills, giving the context of child development, and offering the balance of creative, beautiful work with the hands, the soul-nourishing beauty of well-done handwork, and the opportunity to imagine, plan, and think practically and concretely which will later transform into enlivened abstract thinking. Waldorf education is unhurried and un-harried, nowhere more obviously than in handwork. Slow down, enjoy the moment, discover the therapeutic calm of creating with your hands – and share it with your children!
The Parent Circle Conference July 20 – 24, will focus on skill development, answering questions and sharing insights and ideas as we work together. The sessions will all be available for viewing for several weeks after the conference officially ends. We have found that following the indications in the Waldorf handwork curriculum addresses and engages the children in a deep and meaningful way. We will share our experiences with you.

The Teacher Conference July 27 – 31, is oriented towards classroom teaching (much of which is, or will likely be, online this school year). We will move fairly quickly through skills – even if you have made and taught dozens of dolls before, re-discover beginners’ mind and share your experiences with others. We will look more deeply into the needs of a classroom of middle schoolers, as well as tracing the development of the image of the human being through the grades. We will pre-suppose a working knowledge of the general curriculum, and Steiner’s indications and insights.
We look forward to working with you! Register now for special rates!